Industry leading fuel management technology
Published Tuesday 11 February, 2020

The necessity to provide fully integrated services to Airports and airside fleet operators has become more defined over the last decade and this clarity in requirements has fuelled our appetite and ultimately our enthusiasm to innovate.
Innovative by design, Heathrow airport had the first UK installation of our Chip and Coil refuelling system where the procedure was then uniquely tailored to operate in a restricted environment which enabled all ground fuelling transactions to be recorded from any of the fixed sites or mobile tanker services deployed airside and used to refuel ground vehicles around the airport, where it was not operationally efficient to drive to one of the fixed sites.
In use our fuelling solution incorporates a vehicle identification system which powers the fastest, simplest, and secure refuelling service for thousands of vehicles in the UK (millions worldwide) with clear and measurable value to both the operator and commercial fleet users.
An easily mounted RFID unit, installed next to the fuel inlet on each vehicle, enables immediate fuelling authorisation when the nozzle is inserted into the fuel inlet each vehicle requiring fuel is registered on our system, with the registration plate, vehicle type and fuel type. This ensures the vehicle as been pre-approved to lift fuel from the tank, and that the correct fuel type is used. This technology allows full security on site and eliminates any cross contamination of incorrect products into engines. Additionally, in some areas we have this technology on our vehicles, which allows us to track the journey of every litre from terminal through to burn.
Utilisation of this exceptional fuel management system also enables our customer to receive essential vehicle fuel use data combined with information for important Scope 3 and supply chain emissions reporting. Simultaneously, use of the integrated ‘VID’ information available, to all user airport fleet managers, enables informed efficiency comparisons to be made including volume of fuel used with the date, time and location of filling also being recorded.
This system is considered future proof and with the appropriate software updates can be programmed to record alternative fuels used by mixed fleet operators including Kwh from the electric recharging of vehicles if and when requested. This technology is supportive of our latest innovation which is to operate a Mobile Electric Recharging Vehicle (MERV) offering an “off grid” rapid charging service to EV plant and vehicle users.
Any large fleet with its own fuel station that requires tight management, monitoring and authorisation – from the pump to the head office – can benefit from our solution. It is ideal for any fleet application, including mobile fleet fuelling for mining, ports, airports, commercial fleets, and transportation and construction industries.
This comprehensive system is featured on our recently introduced “plug & play” fuel tank which is designed to provide secure fuel storage, on a permanent or semi-permanent basis. Meeting all Environmental obligations, it can be used to control, measure and monitor fuel dispensing at a variety of locations.
No matter what the refuelling method and authorisation requirements, our solution is a leader in fleet fuelling systems and provides significant fuel cost savings and operational benefits from automation and real-time data analysis. Commercial fleets can remotely manage all their refuelling sites to gain better control over multi-site fuel inventory and deliveries.